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Hoskins Reunion

Savannah, Corey, and I had a great weekend. We went down to Austin to uncle Fred's lake house
for the Hoskins Reunion. I bet there was over a 100 people there. It still amazes me that without all our great greats and great grandparents none of us would exist without them. We really had a great time. Corey and I entered the washer and horseshoe tournament. I just played the washer tournament. I did not get passed round one. I did have a few close ones in the hole. They were just not going in. Corey actually made it to round two in the game of washers. I'm not sure who won the both tournaments but it was a lot fun. I really hope they do this again next year.
This is the end of the day and Savannah was getting tired.
Corey, Cecil, and Savannah

Savannah loves the ice!

Maci and Savannah -they are cousins

Sharing kisses and love

Corey , Laliah, and Savannah

Corey's grandma Baba dancing at 85 years old (Please don't mention her age to anyone!)

Savannah saying hello to everyone!

Another distant cousin brought a pool for all the kids to cool off in. Savannah met some new friends.

Grandpa Cecil, Corey and Savannah

Grandpa and Savannah
Hey, the Hoskins are even related to Elvis. Elvis did not even miss out on the reunion.


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