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Labor was so easy!

Everyone keeps telling me don't tell people that labor was so easy! For those who did not here the full details of the labor here it is! We got to the hospital 30 minutes early at 3:30p.m. The lady looks at me and said go home you are not ready! I was like I have an appointment. Corey and I planned to do an induction. We planned the delivery because our doctor was going out of town the next day. They had already had 5 babies born that day and two walk ins. Funny because one of the walk ins was my friend Mandi but they sent her home. Her baby finally came 8 days after Savannah was born. Since they were so busy, they did not get me started until 6p.m. Thing were supposed to start at 4p.m. We just relaxed in the room till then. They gave me a pill, but only a quarter of that one pill at a time. Dr. Bowyer wanted at least 3 inserts. We only made it to two. When they were inserting the 2nd dose they had to wait for the contractions to slow down. Oh when I did get to the hospital I had finally had dilated to a 1. Yea! By the wee hours of the night I dilated to a 2. At 3a.m. they were supposed to insert the 3rd dose but the same thing happened. The contractions were to close together and we were waiting for them to slow down. I got up to go to the bathroom at 3:30 and got back into bed. Then I felt a pop. I thought it was the baby moving at first then all this pain came. They already had given me pain medicine twice. When they came in earlier, they asked what your pain level is? I was like oh a 0 to a 2 on a 1 to 10 scale. I woke up Corey to go get the nurse because I was hurting. She came in to check me and I was still a two and I told her I had felt a pop. She could not tell if my water had broken. I was like when can I get that epidural? She said you’re only a 2 though! I quickly said that I wanted it! She asked my pain level again. I was like a 12! Probably at this time Corey was chuckling at me because I'm really using those breathing techniques. The pains of the contractions were tolerable but not tolerable for long. It hurts! I was thinking that if this is what a 2 feels like then I can’t imagine what it feels like going further. The epidural was a breeze. It only felt like a little bee sting. I was breathing heavy and trying to control the contractions. My focus was on the pain. They were coming one after another! The epidural was the best thing ever! Any mother can do what they want, but you will never regret having an epidural. Plus you are not worn out after the birth and you can enjoy your new baby. While the anesthesia guy gave me my epidural the nurse checked on my water breaking. She did a swab test and it had broken. It was pretty much a little waiting game til 7:30 a.m. when they started the pitocin. The doctor came in at 8:15 a.m. I had jumped from a 2 to a 6! Savannah was born at 11:49 a.m. but she probably could have been a little sooner. A family next to us just had a baby so we were waiting on the nurses. They were like roll over on your side. So I believe we were ready just waiting for them to finish up the other family. So we started pushing at 11:30 and she came out 20 minutes later. I never felt a contraction either. They had to tell me when to push. It was so easy! Only thing that happen is I got nauseated. So I would push 3 times then grab the bucket and it was a repeat cycle. I wasn’t surprised that I got nauseated because I get sick so easily anyway. They even gave me zofran twice for it. So I’m sure that calmed down my nausea some but I still threw up. Savannah came out beautiful! No scars or nothing! She was so alert too! She was born May 21st, 2009. She weighed 7lbs 14.2 oz and measured 20 inches in length. She turned 3 months last Thursday weighing 11lbs and 8 ozs and 24 inches in length.


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