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All I wanted for Christmas was a SNACK!

This year was a fun Christmas with Savannah. She knows there a Santa Claus. Why mommy can I not open my presents yet? She did a great job leaving them alone. However, Savannah did not understand why on Christmas Eve morning why we were not carrying over all her presents to open at Gigi's house. I told her you have to wait for Christmas morning. Santa coming! At first Santa Claus was bringing her a dog. I was like uh oh! Corey not a dog person really. The funny part I asked Savannah if you really got a dog who is cleaning all the poo up? I was waiting for that response my mom or daddy. Nope Savannah said" Santa Claus will!" I learned something new! I think the funny part I told Corey the story he goes "Santa Claus does not do that!" Corey explained to Savannah our house to small ( yea right!) to have a dog. Maybe when we get out to the country we could get one. That work or did the trick. Luckily to our surprise Savannah's Mema got her ones those FFY toy dog that barks and one that you can actually walk. Savannah's new dog is Sandy like Annie's dog off the movie. We got Savannah to ask for a bike instead of a dog from Santa. Santa delivered the right bike the one with a baby seat on it to for baby Pita. Corey was excited Christmas morning and woke up Savannah up early. Savannah also was sick the holiday weekend with another sinus infection. She was not in the spirit that early in the morning. So sleepy head stared at the bike for a little bit. Then looked at me "Mommy I wanted snack" I started laughing and responded " I'm sorry Santa brought you a bike not a snack" It was funny! Savannah got her snack and she went back to bed. Finally by late morning I got her to open the rest of her presents up. She enjoyed!


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