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Our trip to the Fort Worth Zoo

We went to the Fort Worth Zoo on Sunday. It was a beautiful day for it too. This was my favorite part we discovered right before we had to leave and go home. There is a huge cage with all the "pet Store" birds in it. For a dollar you buy a stick with a little bird feed on it. Of course the birds fly right to your hand. Savannah finally got brave enough to hold the stick on her own. You could also pet the birds.

Pelicans behind Corey and Savannah
African penguins

If you notice the two signs have Savannah's name on them and Savannah springs would made a pretty middle name too.

They actually had this creature alive at the zoo! He loved to stick out his tongue!

If you notice the gorilla behind us. Savannah was calling him Poppo. She thought it looked just like my dad!
Savannah loves Flamingos. She can say that word very well too!


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