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Bye, Bye, Trees!

On Saturday, Corey finally got a nice sunny day to cut his 3 trees down. He is going to replace them with some new Live Oak trees he has bought. Luckily daddy and Matt helped Corey with this dangerous task.

Gigi, the girls, and Stephanie came to watch the trees come down! We also all ate breakfast on the patio. Very nice weather!

Savannah sipped on Coke while watching her daddy cut down his trees! I'm bringing her up right! She has to have that caffeine like her mom! Really she did not have any coke but she tried her best!

On Sunday watching the football game and playing! To our big surprise Savannah rolled over twice on her own and on purpose from back to stomach! Mom and daddy were excited!

To end our Sunday with a funny bedtime storey. Corey had hit me earlier on the shoulder because I had a mosquito biting me! I was like what you doing? Then we were sitting in bed just talking while I held Savannah. All of a sudden he grabs her clothes and slams it down on the bed. I was like is it another mosquito? This all happened so quickly! He is busting out laughing and I'm screaming! What I did not see and Corey did see is this huge bug bouncing 3 feet in the air when Corey had slamed Savannah's shirt down onto the bed. Corey was laughing because it was like the bug was bouncing on a trampoline. Next thing I know I see a big bug on my bed! That bug landed back on the bed after its big bounce that Corey had caused. The bug looks at Corey then stops and turns in my direction and heads towards me. It was fast too! I'm holding Savannah screaming and scooting with all my will power to jump out of bed before this bug goes up my shorts. That is where he was headed for sure! Luckily Corey caught it with Savannah's shirt still in his hand. Corey is still laughing and I had let a big scream out and Savannah did not know what to think of us! Corey was like I did not know you were scared of bugs! I did not know I was either. He was going to climb onto my leg! It was a funny moment! The weird thing was that it was the same bug Corey tried to catch the night before. The bug was to quick for him and he crawled under my bed!


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